Friday, June 18, 2010

Blast From The Past

How To Make A Pinhole Camera

To make a pinhole camera you must first spray the inside of a tin can completely black so that it is not reflective and it is light proof. When that is done you must drill a hole into a side of the can, then cut out a circle of tin foil and carefully create a tiny hole using a pin or a tack and tape it with electrical tape in front of the hole you drilled. when this is done put a piece of electrical tape over the tiny hole you just made, making your tin light tight. The last step is to cut a piece of photographic paper that fits inside your tin can but does not block the hole, then but the lid on and you have your own pinhole camera.
I learned how to do this on a trip to gallery 44 in grade 9. To take the actual photo you must go outside and set up the camera to face the image we wanted to take a photo of. Then take the electrical tape off of the small hole in the tin foil on the can (aperture) to expose the photographic paper to light, by doing this photographic paper takes a negative picture of the image you placed it to take because the photographic paper picks up the sunlight and takes the image. This process takes about one minute and thirty seconds or less depending on the size of your hole in the tin foil.
To develop the photos you must properly develop them in a dark room. Place the photos in the series of three chemicals. Then put them to dry and when they were done, WALLAH, you end up with your own negative pinhole picture.