Sunday, February 13, 2011

Top Three Tips To Becoming A Master Jedi.

Tip One- Meditation
The first and one of the most important keys to becoming a master Jedi is the daily practice of meditation. In order for one to truly become one with the force, extensive meditation is required. Meditating stimulates midichlorian activity (microscopic beings that are responsible for the force).
For a master Jedi is strong with the force, so naturally daily meditation shou
ld become a regular practice. Merely spend 1-2 hours a day, in a secluded area, breathing. Try to clear your mind of all thoughts, to allow room for midichlorian influence. When done repeatedly meditation can be used to strengthen one's relationship with the force and with one's self. It is only through meditation that true Jedi mastery can bee achieved.

Tip Two- Force Exercises The second thing you must do in order to become a master Jedi is constant practice of midichlorian manipulation. In order for one to become better using his or her force abilities, the daily practice of force movements and exercises is mandatory. A beginners exercise that is easy to master, yet takes discipline to achieve is force levitation. Order to preform force levitation, one most first clear their mind of all thoughts, let the body become an empty container wanting to be filled. Then one must concentrate solely on the object of interest (try smaller objects like fruits or cutlery at first) and let that object becoming the only thing being concentrated on. Lastly you must visualize the midichlorian inhabiting your body and then leaving (usually out the tips of fingers) and surrounding that object. Before you know it you'll be levitating all sorts of things in no time. But remember, it requires practice, so if not achieved on the first try keep trying for developing force abilities takes perseverance.
Tip Three- Light saber Training
Lastly, for one to become a full Jedi master, one must be able to wield a light saber effectively and with confidence. Now in order to be able to master wielding such a powerful weapon, one must consider the blade an extension of the body rather then a tool of destruction. You must become one with the light saber, this can be achieved easier, if you were to make your own blade. (Saber crystals are found in the ice caves off the moons of Endor). In order to develop a technique however, one must find a Jedi master to serve as a teacher, for technique development is almost impossible without guidance. An easy solution however, if you find yourself without a master is to study the Jedi holocrons, located in the restricted section of the Jedi temple's library. These holocrons can be used as tools to better ones light saber capabilities, for they contain past knowledge from former Jedi.

Hope these tip serve as a gate way for you to truly become a Jedi master. But remember the path to the dark side is one easily followed, but the path to becoming a Jedi master is rewarding. I leave with these final words of wisdom. Fear is the path to the dark side, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate...leads to suffering. BE WISE FUTURE JEDI, BE WISE.