Thursday, March 3, 2011

Good Vs. Bad Music Videos

Lil John's- Snap Yo Fingas

This first video is an example of a poorly made or bad music video. It is bad for several reasons. Firstly the video has too many things going on, although simplistic in nature the excessive flashing lights make the video almost to intense to enjoy. While watching this video it is enjoyable mainly because it irritates the eye. Secondly, the flashing lights, I feel, distract the viewer from whats actually going on in the video. The lights almost completely distract from the subject matter, which I feel is a negative aspect in a video, especially when the subject matter is the main point of the video. However that being said , the subject matter of this video adds to its negative level. For almost the entire video the camera is focused mainly on " LiL Johns face, which is not only unappealing but boring. Lastly, I believe that this video wasn't made with the consideration of an extremely dangerous condition called epilepsy, the extreme flashing lights could cause someone viewing the channel the video was played to go into immediate shock. This disregard for the health of the viewers adds to the negativity of this video. It is these reason why this is a perfect example of a bad music video.

Highway Of Heros- Trews

No like the previous video, I will not comment on the actual song featured in the music video but rather the video itself. This video unlike the other however is an example of a good video. It has an extremely influential and meaningful message which, through editing, is beautifully portrayed. As well I feel as though this video has a clearly developed mood, which helped me appreciate this video. The last thing that makes this video a good one is the fact that it uses large amounts of imagery to portray its meaning, and when a powerful method like imagery is implemented the true message of the video is clear visible. Which is why I consider this a good music video.