Sunday, April 11, 2010


Les Fauves (French for the wild beast) refers to how wild and strong the brush strokes were in these paintings in the early 19th century.
This style's main focus was on strong powerful brush strokes and powerful color. This style began around the 1900's however this style only lasted only lasted a couple of years, and it only had three major exhibitions.
Fauvism to artist meant using extremely intense colors in a unnatural way.
The fauvist movement was a group of artist who painted landscapes or people in wild colours and distorted brush strokes. For the purpose of expressing an object in a new non realistic way. It was a new form of expressionism.
This style was only popular for a short period of time because many artist thought that it was too dramatic for that time period.
This style started in the early 19th and was over by 1910.
There were many significant artist in this time period. Henri Matisse and Andre Derain were two of the really significant artist of this time period. Maurice De Vlaminck was also one of the really significant artist of this time period.